Eugene bound
Ok, this is the newest edition in the lives of the tuff roots ‘n co. Nathan, Jesika and Brian are inEugene. We have "officially" moved here. There are levels of moving somewhere of course. Although we all enthusiastically assert that we live in Eugene, we are still houseless.
Last night we stayed at Mark and Ben's house (Mark used to be Valisa's boyfriend). We played amulti-level rendition of rochambeau (that is spelled correctly by the way) to decide who would sleepon the floor. Mark and Ben expressed an almost melodramatic concern that we would all get fleas. We agreed that this would be fine, as it would motivate us to find a place to live even sooner.
Nathan got the couch while Brian got stuck on the flea-ridden floor. The dogs only licked him acouple of times, while Nathan ended up getting stuck between the pillows. Jesika didn't get fleas.
This morning we started thinking about where to live. We scouted out all sorts of places, one withtwo kitchens and four bedrooms. We're trying to decide how many rooms we need. When you visit -we don't want you to have to sleep in the entry way - between the kitchen and the back door. We'llprobably have dogs, and we don't want them to step on you and suck your ear wax.
We want a place that costs less than $12,000 / mo for 4 bedrooms. There are certain people we aretrying to entice to live with us in Eugene, so we're being almost unreasonably picky. After all, weare choosing the location of your next move / vacation -- and we are taking this responsibility veryseriously.
In the truck, Nathan generally drives, Brian navigates, and Jes sits in the middle and tries to carry oninteresting conversation. Typically the conversation spins to sex, politics, and religion. Generally thatall comes into play when we talk about our personal relationships. But trying to tell you about thatwould be a short novel.
In the meantime, we think of big dreams about discovering our passions together, and how to makeour visions come true in a practical way. We have decided against teaching a fairie cosmic dolphindance worship workshop. In this time of revolution, we don't have the proper equipment to distill thenecessary essential oils and flower essences required for luring dolphin fairies to Eugene. In themean time we are filling out rental applications - i.e. brushing up on our creative writing skills. Ifyou happen to receive any phone calls from rental management agencies, and they ask if we make 3grand a month, please say "yes". But let's get back to the original topic of this writing.
On Friday, Valisa got eye surgery. The doctor says she has little eye sockets. We like to call it,"lovely almond eyes". Now she has 20/20 vision. She is going to Alaska for a month to visit herparents, and then she is going to Thailand for 3 ½ months. We're pretty sure she is going to move inwith us after that.
Benja went with Valisa to Seattle to make sure she had support in case she went blind or anything. After she is healed he will pick up the truck in Colorado, and then "officially" move in with us. Iguess we're somewhat excited for his return. Just kidding, Benja.
We plan to keep you all updated as we settle into our rental house, get jobs, and... in the very nearfuture, pin down the property we intend to buy. Although, for the last week or so most of our energyhas been directed towards finding jobs and a temporary place to live, we are determined not to losemomentum in our quest for the perfect community land. We hope that you will not lose interesteither. We are dedicated to maintaining our entertaining lives - or at least presenting them in anentertaining way - so that ya'll will still love us, even when we become practical, grounded landowners. Please keep checking up on us.
We love you,
Brian, Nathan, Jes (Benja and Valisa at large)
Congrats...Eugene OR, I wouldn't have picked it but it works, i like it there.
Lots of love and happy house hunting.
Benja and Jes give a call sometime soon.
Tuff Roots Rock!
Greetins loversofallthatis!
miss you guys fo sho, even the ones I dont know! Ecstatic y'all's journey is expansive and still goin strong, I would definitely love to plan a visit before too long... dreamt about benja sunday nite, it had theatre in it (gofigure) and i was spinnin words on benja's creative mindaction flights. good to speak on some fam even if no appearance was included, makes my heart feel 167lbs. lighter and my second sight seems less deluded.
this year is one of transition i thought and its end comes but leaves no wanting after what its brought. Thank you for all the teaching and love. you all have adopted so many and I am proud to be/have been inalongamongwithinbesidearound your paths. all that sed, love, compassion, good food and reciprocitous chain reactions, r3jo
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